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A queer woman's perspective on Doctor Who, both the classic and new series, as well as its various spin-offs and ephemera.

May 23, 2014

So, after about six months of unintended hiatus (!), the ninth episode of 'Terminus' is now finally finished and available for you! So, life sort of got on top of me during that time, derailing me completely and utterly, but I'm back to give things another go with a belated review of the 50th...

Nov 20, 2013

So, after a month of waiting, the eighth episode of 'Terminus' is now finally finished and available for you! Many, many apologies, of course, but now that I'm finally past all the travel and the consequent illness (the derby tournament equivalent of con crud, methinks), I'm hoping I can start to get things back on...

Oct 14, 2013

After fighting with some technical issues and going on travels around the Southeastern US, I'm finally back with the newest episode of Terminus! On this seventh episode of Terminus, join me as I chat about the serial 'The Three Doctors', unofficially the celebratory story for the 10th anniversary of 'Doctor Who'. I also...